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Dementia Delivery Plan Survey

This consultation is now closed

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Bridgend County Borough Council are in the process of creating their dementia strategy and delivery plan. The plan will be used to help shape our vision and delivery for dementia services.

To ensure the council delivers the outcomes that matter the most to those who use the service, the council would like you to share your views on their draft priorities. The draft priorities outline what the council consider to be the most important areas in providing the right care for those living with dementia.

How to respond

This consultation period will begin on the 20 July 2015 and close the 14 September 2015. You can respond or ask further questions in the following ways:


Communications, Marketing and Engagement

Bridgend County Borough Council
Telephone: 01656 643664
Address: Ravens Court, Brewery Lane, Bridgend, CF31 4AP.


The consultation timetable.
Activity Date
Consultation period where we welcome your views and observations on the proposal*. 20 July - 14 September 2015
Publish Consultation Report on BCBC website, hard copies available on request. October
Potential implementation. TBC

*Please note that responses to consultation will not be counted as objections to the proposal and that objections can only be registered following publication of the Public Notice.

This consultation is now closed

Don’t forget you can still have your say on improving council services by clicking here to join our Citizens’ Panel.

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