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Council introduces discount scheme for fines

Bridgend County Borough Council has updated and expanded its environmental enforcement policy following the outcome of a recent public consultation.

The changes include the introduction of a new discount scheme to encourage the early payment of fixed penalties across a range of environmental offences, and the addition of a duty of care over household waste.

Under the new scheme, people who pay fixed penalties early will be entitled to the following discounts:

Penalties and discounts



Early Payment:




Waste receptacles



Graffiti and fly-posting






Failure to comply with a Public Space Protection Order



Failure to produce a Waste Carriers Licence



Failure to produce a Waste Transfer Note



Unauthorised distribution of literature on designated land



Failure to comply with the duty of care in respect of household waste




These changes are intended to ensure that our enforcement policy remains up to speed with modern best practice, and will help encourage people who commit environmental offences to pay quickly and promptly.

Concerns about litter and dog fouling are two of the most commonly-raised issues that the council has to deal with, and the new enforcement policy is designed to help tackle this more effectively.”

Deputy Leader Hywel Williams

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