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Welcome to Bridgend County Borough Council’s media centre. These pages feature latest news from the county borough, and you can also keep up to date by following us on social media.

This news list is currently being filtered by January 2021  

Development masterplan set for public consultation

The Cabinet of Bridgend County Borough Council has agreed to carry out widespread public consultation over a masterplan which, once finalised, will be used to determine what kinds of development can take place throughout the area between now and 2033

Cultural freelance fund opens for applications

Freelancers in the cultural sector who continue to face financial challenges as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak are able to apply for grant funding from Monday 17 May

Porthcawl road train operator revealed

Bridgend County Borough Council has confirmed that the charity and social enterprise, Emmaus South Wales, has been chosen as the operator for Porthcawl’s all-new road train attraction

Cost of school meals to remain the same for 2021-22

The cost of school meals in Bridgend county borough will not be increased for the 2021-22 school year after the local authority’s cabinet members agreed to a price freeze for the fourth year in a row

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