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Action to improve air quality in Bridgend’s most polluted road

An action plan is being drawn up to improve the air quality in Bridgend’s most polluted road, Park Street.

Environmental Health experts at Bridgend County Borough Council will declare the road as an Air Quality Management Area from 1 January 2019 after recording high levels of nitrogen dioxide.

An Air Quality Action Plan will then be prepared setting out measures the council intend to put in place to improve the air quality. Nearby residents and businesses will be asked for their views on the measures as well as having the chance to put forward their own suggestions.

While the air pollution recorded in Park Street isn’t anywhere near the levels found in bigger towns and cities, the nitrogen dioxide has been found to be above an acceptable level so we need to take action.

Park Street is an important local route and we will be working with a range of stakeholders, including residents and members of the public, to identify potential solutions that will mitigate any effects on public health.

Councillor Dhanisha Patel, the council’s Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Future Generations

All local authorities have a statutory obligation to regularly review and assess air quality in their areas.

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