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Arsonists target brand new children’s play equipment in North Cornelly

Bridgend County Borough Council is continuing to assess the cost of damage caused by arsonists who tried to destroy brand new playground equipment on Heol Las in North Cornelly.

The vandals targeted the playground’s new accessible facilities and as a result, part of it is currently unavailable.

The idiots who did this have targeted young children, depriving them of newly-installed facilities that had been especially adapted so that they could be used by everyone.

This was a low move, even for petty vandals, and I hope the local community will help the authorities to bring those responsible to account.

The council is currently assessing the extent and cost of the damage, and would like to thank the police and fire service for their prompt response to the incident.

Councillor Richard Young, Cabinet Member for Communities

Local residents can support efforts by South Wales Police to bring those responsible to justice by reporting any suspicious activity seen on Saturday 14 April in Heol Las between 10pm and 11pm by calling 101 and quoting reference number 1800 1300 11.

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