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Brackla resident hails ‘Dream Team’ council street cleaners

A resident has heaped praise on Bridgend County Borough Council’s Cleaner Streets Team after they helped clean up a split rubbish bag full of nappies.

Barbara Phillips called on the council when her street in Brackla was left strewn with dirty nappies after a refuse bag containing the used products split.

Keen to keep her street tidy, 83-year-old Barbara, swept up a number of the bags herself before a local authority team turned up to finish the job and remove the scattered nappies.

Now, Barbara has heaped praise on Cleaner Streets team who responded so swiftly and has also thanked Mayor John Spanswick for his help in ensuring the problem was dealt with as quickly as possible.

said: “I love our dustmen. They would tell you that I leave a drink out for them. I think their job is massive so I look out for them. They’re really lovely.

“The council’s street cleaners were magic, they were like little tidying angels when they came. They really are the Dream Team.

“We live in a lovely street and we want it kept as neat and tidy as possible.

“I want to praise all the teams that come here because they are marvellous.”

I am very pleased that our Cleaner Streets Team were able to help Mrs Phillips out so promptly and that they left such a positive impression on her.

Every day, they work very closely with Kier to ensure that refuse across the county borough is collected and the streets maintained to a high standard of cleanliness. Last year during the pandemic, the cleansing teams collected and disposed of over 1,110 tonnes of waste. This equates to nearly 32 tonnes of waste being handled by each individual team member.

“I am sure the team involved will be delighted to be dubbed ‘The Dream Team’ and are fully deserving of Mrs Phillips’ praise.

Councillor Stuart Baldwin, Cabinet Member for Communities
Mayor John Spanswick congratulates the council’s Cleaner Streets team for their efforts.

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