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Businesses given more than £37m in coronavirus support grants

More than £37m has been paid out in financial support to businesses in Bridgend county borough since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In March last year, Welsh Government launched the first phase of grants for businesses and charities affected by the coronavirus lockdown and restrictions, with £30,065,000 paid out by Bridgend County Borough Council since then.

Another £5,475,000 has been paid under the Non Domestic Rate Lockdown Grant scheme since November and £1,840,000 from the Business Restrictions Fund launched in December.

A total of 4,931 grants have been given to businesses in Bridgend county borough through these funds.

As well as grants for firms, £1,850,261 has been paid to residents under the Social Care Workforce Payments since July. The £500 payments were introduced to recognise and reward the hard work and commitment of social care staff who have provided essential care during the pandemic.

In November, £500 Self-Isolation Payments were launched by Welsh Government for those who are left unable to work because they have been told to self-isolate by the NHS Wales Test Trace Protect service. Since then, £73,500 has been paid to Bridgend county borough residents.

An additional £27,551 has been paid out under the statutory sick pay enhancement scheme for social care workers.

Deputy council leader Hywel Williams said: “These grant and payment schemes have helped to provide vital financial support at a time when residents and local businesses are facing extremely serious challenges.

“Council staff continue to work hard to assess applications as quickly as possible. We kindly ask businesses not to contact the council to check on the progress of an application as it can delay the process.

“For more information about the support available to businesses, visit the council’s financial support webpage.”

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