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‘Communities must not underestimate the pandemic’

As Wales enters the second week of the national fire-break lockdown, communities across Bridgend County Borough are being thanked for their efforts and urged to keep up the good work.

Council Leader Huw David said: “We have all made a huge effort to slow the spread of Covid-19, and communities throughout Bridgend County Borough should feel rightly proud of this.

“It is more important than ever that we not only ensure these efforts continue, but that we also adapt our behaviours and attitudes once the Welsh lockdown finishes on Monday 9 November.

“Underestimating the coronavirus, trying to find ways around the restrictions or simply giving in to ‘pandemic fatigue’ now would undo all of the hard work and sacrifice.

“It would put people at risk, and lessen the chance of ensuring that the Christmas season is as normal as possible under the current circumstances.

“Put simply, if people are not moving around, neither is the virus. The two-week lockdown remains our best chance of vastly reducing infection rates, and in preventing hospitals from becoming overwhelmed this autumn and winter.

“I hope that local residents will support these efforts in order to protect ourselves, our friends and families, and our communities.”

First Minister Mark Drakeford said: “This is a virus which thrives on human contact.

“Social contact is important to all of us, but to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe, we need to think carefully about all our meetings and contacts with other people, and try and reduce them to reduce our risk of infection.

“Rather than us asking what we can or can’t do, we need to ask ourselves, what should we be doing to keep our families safe?

“Government rules and regulations are here to help. But the real strength we have is in the choices we make, and the actions we take together.”

Welsh Government has confirmed that a number of additional measures will remain in place once the fire-break lockdown ends on Monday 9 November.

People will need to continue to maintain two-metre social distancing and wear face masks in enclosed public places, including while using public transport and taxis.

The requirement to work from home whenever possible will remain in place, as will the two-household limit of forming ‘bubbles’.

While up to 15 people will be able to take part in organised indoors activities and up to 30 in organised outdoor activities, all social distancing, hand hygiene and other coronavirus safety measures must be followed.

All premises which closed during the fire-break - such as restaurants, cafes, pubs and gyms – will be able to reopen. People should continue to avoid non-essential travel, but there will be no legal restrictions on travel within Wales for Welsh residents.

Following the announcement from UK Government concerning a new lockdown in England, Welsh Government ministers are having ongoing discussions with the hospitality sector and more information will be announced soon.

All schools, churches, places of worship and community centres will be able to open again on Monday 9 November, and community recycling centres in Bridgend County Borough will reopen as normal.

You can read full details at the Welsh Government website, but the following offers a rundown of the main ways in which it will affect Bridgend County Borough.

More information

The council website offers a range of support around the coronavirus pandemic, including a serious of frequently asked questions.

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