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Community projects to benefit from more than £85k

£20,000 has been awarded by Bridgend County Borough Council towards the cost of replacing the athletics track at Newbridge Fields, Bridgend.

It’s one of six community projects that will share a funding pot of over £85,000 which has been agreed by Cabinet Members from the local authority through its ‘Town and Community Council Fund’. Under the terms of the grant scheme, each of the Town and Community Councils involved have to meet at least 50 per cent of the project costs.

The application for funding to help replace the 300m track, which was originally laid in 1997, was submitted by Bridgend Town Council on behalf of Bridgend Athletics Club.

The overall cost of the new track will be more than £78,000, and the athletics club has also expressed interest in taking over the facility via a Community Asset Transfer and re-developing the clubhouse.

Four of the other successful projects that have received grant funding also involve Community Asset Transfers.

Following Pencoed Town Council’s expression of interest in taking over Pencoed Recreation Ground Pavilion on a long-term lease and the pitches under a three-year management agreement, they have been awarded a £20,000 grant towards the costs of renovating the pavilion. The pavilion has been closed since March 2018 following storm damage and the funding means it can be re-opened for the benefit of sports clubs, a playgroup based there and the wider community.

Coity Higher Community Council will receive £15,416 towards the cost of revamping the play area at Coity Castle and £14,999 to refurbish the play area at Pendre Fields ahead of a Community Asset Transfer, while Cornelly Community Council has been awarded £10,000 for the refurbishment of the toilets at the North Cornelly Community Centre. A long-term lease is in the process of being agreed for the community council to take on the running of the centre.

Additionally, Cabinet Members have also agreed to provide over £5,000 worth of funding towards a new tarmac surface for Bedford Park car park.

We’re pleased to be supporting all six schemes proposed to us this year.

We have made every effort to support applications that directly link to the Community Asset Transfer process, in recognition of reducing local authority resources and creating options for Town and Community Councils to deliver alternative services.

I believe that each of these schemes will benefit all ages within our local communities. We’re looking forward to seeing each of the plans come to life shortly.

Councillor Charles Smith, Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration

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