Council applies for real Living Wage accreditation
Poster information
Posted on: Tuesday 16 November 2021
Bridgend County Borough Council is applying to become a real Living Wage accredited employer.
While not currently an accredited organisation, the local authority has committed to paying the real Living Wage to its own employees for the last two years.
The rate is calculated independently taking into account wider factors than those used to set the national living wage. Set by the Living Wage Foundation, the nationwide “real living wage” is being raised by 40p to £9.90.
The local authority is now working with Cynnal Cymru, which works in partnership with the Real Living Wage Foundation and other leading organisations in Wales, to establish a pathway to accreditation.
Council Leader Huw David said: “This is about fairness, equity and the work that’s done by people who are often being paid low amounts – they’re paid the least, but they undertake some of the most important roles in our county borough.
“Since the pandemic, this has also become about being able to continue to deliver essential frontline services. In both commissioned and directly provided services, we are struggling to recruit and retain people in these roles.
“If we do not improve the terms and conditions in some of these sectors, we will be unable to deliver some of our essential services in the future.
“In obtaining accreditation, we would cement the commitment to paying our employees a wage which is enough to live on. It’s so important we make this commitment to our staff in whatever sector they are – they are delivering public services on our behalf and we need to make sure they’re being treated properly.
“As part of the process, we will also be encouraging our contractors and suppliers to pay the real Living Wage in a similar way to our commitments under the Ethical Employment in Supply Chains Code of Practice.”
Following accreditation, the local authority can use the accredited logo and will be registered on the Real Living Wage Foundation website as a participating employer.