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Festival of Learning returns to Bridgend County Borough

Educators from around Wales are preparing to join local pupils and teachers next week for the 2019 Festival of Learning.

Set to take place at Bridgend Life Centre between 25 – 27 June, the festival will enable schools to share new and innovative learning and teaching techniques and showcase how the latest technology and modern classroom developments are being used to benefit local children.

The festival enables schools to share their experiences and knowledge while establishing new training opportunities for teachers and staff, and offers a wide range of activities, displays and demonstrations.

The first day (25 June) will feature a symposium event where key speakers and educators will consider how the health and well-being of pupils can be developed, maintained and improved.

The second day (26 June) will be a showcase day as pupils from local schools set up stalls and offer displays and practical demonstrations of some of the classroom techniques that are in use.

The final day (27 June) will incorporate a ‘learner voice’ forum where pupils will gather alongside representatives of Bridgend Youth Council to offer a unique perspective on matters that are important to them - the wellbeing of future generations, environmental issues, recycling, democracy, how young people can contribute to policy-making and more.

Last year’s Festival of Learning was a resounding success, and I am delighted that Bridgend County Borough is once again hosting the event for 2019.

Children are very much at the forefront of this festival, and the event brings organisations together so that they can share knowledge, gain fresh insights and look at how all this could be used to benefit pupils.

This unique event is providing outcomes that are benefitting not only local children, but all pupils throughout Wales.

Councillor Charles Smith, Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration

Among the organisations taking part in the Festival of Learning are Bridgend County Borough Council, the Office of the Children’s Commissioner, University of South Wales, the Central South Consortium Joint Education Service and Compass for Life.

Reporters are welcome to attend the Festival of Learning – for more information, please contact the council press office on 01656 643217 or email

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