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Letter to communities in the Cwm Taf Morgannwg region

To our CTM communities,

Firstly, we would like to thank you for the support and the sacrifices you have made in what has been an incredibly tough year for us all. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all of our lives and had devastating and tragic consequences for many families in CTM.

Sadly, Covid-19 is still very much present in our areas. In fact rates of the virus are rising steeply and at an alarming speed across our communities, putting ourselves and our loved ones at risk. We are facing a very serious situation. The virus is spreading faster than we expected and even more quickly than in the autumn.

As rates increase in our communities, our hospitals are also seeing more patients with Covid-19 needing their services. Behind every statistic is a person who is someone’s family member or loved one and who might need care and treatment. The dramatic increase in coronavirus cases comes at a particularly challenging time for the NHS when many non-Covid patients also need care as a result of illnesses which come with winter. NHS and social care staff will always do their best, but they are exhausted and services are really stretched. If rates keep rising the way they are at the moment there is a real risk that our NHS and social care services will be overwhelmed in coming weeks.  You will have seen that some very difficult decisions have already had to be taken to temporarily change or stand-down some services.

We understand these are difficult times but we need your support. We must take action if we are to reduce the rates of this virus which can have devastating effects. We need everyone to abide by the rules. This means socially distancing by 2m, washing hands, wearing face masks and limiting social contact. 

We are all at risk of either catching or spreading the virus and we each need to take these precautions to protect ourselves and our loved ones. You might not think coronavirus will affect you, but it could affect someone close to you. None of us wants to be ill over Christmas or beyond. This is not an easy ask but we would urge everyone to really think about their activity over the festive period and do everything you can to keep your friends and families safe.

We cannot do this alone, everyone needs to play their part.  We are all in this together. Please remember that the best present you can give this year is a Covid-free Christmas.

Thank you for your support,

Paul Mears                                                      Cllr Huw David
CEO                                                                 Council leader
Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB                             Bridgend County Borough Council                       


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