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More than 112,000 residents have received Covid-19 vaccinations

More than 112,000 residents of Bridgend County Borough have now received a vaccination against Covid-19 as work continues on vaccinating adults aged 40-49 who are within priority group 10.

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University health Board has confirmed that appointment letters have been issued to all people within this age group.

The age range for people who wish to apply to receive reserve vaccinations at short notice has also been extended, and now covers residents who are 25 and over.

The offer, which is available to residents who can attend an appointment within an hour’s notice, has been set up to ensure that leftover vaccinations do not go to waste due to no-shows and cancelations elswhere in the system.

A form has been made available at the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board website which people can fill in to be added to a reserve list.

The Cwm Taf website also features a form which people can fill in if they need to cancel or rearrange an appointment.

For more information or to check if you are eligible for joining the reserve list, fill out the form at the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board website.

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