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‘Nearly 18s’ called up for first Covid-19 jab

The first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine is now available for 17-year-olds approaching their 18th birthday.

If you or your child is set to turn 18 on or before October 31 2021, you/they are entitled to attend any of Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board’s community vaccination centres to have their first vaccine.

This includes Ravens Court in Bridgend town centre (CF31 4AP) where the walk-in appointments are available between 9.15am and 4.30pm. Details of other vaccination centres in the region are available on the health board’s website which is updated weekly.

Over 195,000 vaccines have been given to people in Bridgend County Borough with over 91,000 in the area now fully vaccinated.

Latest figures from the health board show that over 78 per cent of adults in the region have now been fully vaccinated with 89 per cent of over-18s having had at least their first dose.

Those who have not had their first dose can walk into a Covid-19 Community Vaccination Centre and have it done there and then. With no prior booking required, the walk-in appointments are available at the majority of community vaccination centres within the region. Anyone who wishes to take advantage of the first dose walk-in appointment will need to bring along a form of ID such as a passport, drivers licence or a utility bill for proof of address. 

Any adult over the age of 18 who had their first does more than eight weeks ago and have not been contacted with an appointment for a second dose can call the health board on 01443 281 163, select option three, and the team will get you booked in.

The number of vaccinations issued in the county borough is certainly good news. Vaccinated people are far less likely to get symptoms from Covid-19, and are even more unlikely to get seriously ill, be admitted to hospital, or to die from it. There’s also growing evidence that vaccinated people are less likely to pass the virus to others.

We now urge those in the ‘nearly 18’ category to get their first dose at a vaccination centre as soon as possible.

We now urge those in the ‘nearly 18’ category to get their first dose at a vaccination centre as soon as possible. “Any adults who have not yet received the vaccine can still make use of the ‘walk-in’ appointments. These offer anyone who declined or missed their original appointment a fresh opportunity.

Council Leader Huw David

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