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Residents encouraged to join Spring Clean Cymru 2022

People in Bridgend County Borough and across Wales are being encouraged to help protect the environment and join Spring Clean Cymru 2022, showing that even small acts on your doorstep can make a big difference.

Bridgend County Borough Council is working with Keep Wales Tidy to support Spring Clean Cymru. Together we are calling on individuals, households, and schools to clean-up the streets, parks and beaches in the county borough between Friday 25 March and Sunday 10 April.

Spring Clean Cymru is part of Caru Cymru – a Welsh phrase meaning ‘Love Wales’ – Keep Wales Tidy’s biggest ever initiative to eradicate litter and waste.

Caru Cymru has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.

Since the start of the pandemic our outdoor spaces have mattered to us more than ever before. They have been a sanctuary during challenging times.

Yet, litter still blights our green spaces, streets, and beaches across Wales, not only costing us millions to remove, but sadly harming our local wildlife as well.

We encourage everyone across Wales to get involved with our Spring Clean Cymru campaign this year and pledge to pick up a bag or more of litter. We know that taking part outdoors is good for our health and our environment. Together we can make a big difference.

Keep Wales Tidy Chief Executive, Lesley Jones

Spring Clean Cymru is also part of this year’s Great British Spring Clean. Volunteers are being asked to pledge how many bags they will collect and how many minutes they will spend cleaning up their local area.

To pledge and get involved in Spring Clean Cymru, visit the Keep Wales Tidy website.

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