Support available to help victims of domestic abuse
Poster information
Posted on: Tuesday 27 November 2018
Did you know that every week, two women are killed in the UK by their ex or partner? Or that almost half of all women in the UK will experience domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking at some point in their lives?
As the annual White Ribbon campaign gets underway, people across Bridgend County Borough are being reminded of the wide range of local support that is available to help victims of domestic abuse.
The ‘Assia Suite’ service based at the Civic Offices in Bridgend provides confidential advice and support on issues ranging from physical, psychological, sexual, emotional and financial abuse, as well as safety planning for victims and their children.
Intended to be a one stop shop, the service caters for people who may be experiencing domestic abuse as well as anyone who is concerned for the wellbeing of a friend or family member.
The service is named in honour of Assia Newton, from Pencoed, who was tragically murdered in her home after decades of domestic abuse.
To access the service simply call into the Civic Offices and ask for the ‘Assia Suite’, or ring 01656 815919.
While men are also victims of domestic abuse, the evidence shows that women are disproportionately affected, which is why the White Ribbon campaign focuses on ending domestic abuse against women.
Ninety per cent of sexual assault victims are women, and ninety per cent of victims know the perpetrator. The statistics make startling reading. It’s also important to remember that emotional abuse can be just as damaging as physical abuse.
Nobody should have to spend their life living in fear. It’s shocking that large numbers of men are treating women in this way, but it’s reassuring to know that confidential support is available for anyone faced with such a difficult situation. Since the Assia Suite was set up three years ago, the service has helped hundreds of people. As a council we are very proud to be able to provide such support together with our partners including South Wales Police, Calan DVS, the Probation Service, and Victim Support.
Councillor Dhanisha Patel, the council’s Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Future Generations
Councillor David White, the White Ribbon Champion for Bridgend County Borough, said: “I am extremely proud of the initiatives and polices that this council and our partners have in place to support women and girls who are subjected to any form of violence or abuse.
“We’re very keen to help raise awareness of this campaign during the White Ribbon fortnight, and remember the sad reality that there are some people in our local communities who are in fear of violence and abuse every single day of the year.
“Real men respect women. I would like to urge all local men to take the White Ribbon pledge never to commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women.”