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Unpaid carers and disabled people confirmed as vaccination priority

Welsh Government has confirmed that people who have disabilities or who act as unpaid carers have been added to the priority vaccination groups.

The move means that they will now be vaccinated against the coronavirus as part of priority group six.

The priority groupings for the vaccination programme have been determined on a UK-wide basis by the Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation, and are as follows:

  • Priority group one: Residents and their carers in a care home for older adults.
  • Priority group two: All those 80 and over, and frontline health and social care workers.
  • Priority group three: All those 75 and over.
  • Priority group four: All those 70 and over and clinically extremely vulnerable individuals.
  • Priority group five: All those 65 and over.
  • Priority group six: All individuals aged 16-64 with underlying health conditions which put them at higher risk of serious disease and mortality.
  • Priority group seven: All those 60 and over.
  • Priority group eight: All those 55 and over.
  • Priority group nine: All those 50 and over.

This move will is going to provide further reassurance to the people of Wales that nobody will be left behind as part of the vaccination programme.

Almost 40,000 residents of Bridgend County Borough have already received at least one dose of the vaccine, and it is continuing to make strong progress in the fight against the coronavirus.

Welcoming the news, council Leader Huw David

People with disabilities will be contacted with details of how they can arrange to receive a vaccination, while Welsh Government will make an online form available for unpaid carers next week which can be completed and submitted.

For more information about vaccination eligibility, please visit the Public Health Wales website. 

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