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Update on Covid-19 cases in schools

Bridgend County Borough Council has released new figures on the numbers of pupils and staff who have tested positive for coronavirus.

The latest statistics confirm 37 percent of all schools in the county borough are currently affected by the pandemic. 

In total 28 pupils and eight members of staff have tested positive for Covid-19 with 1,413 pupils and 45 staff members currently in self-isolation across 22 schools.

All schools have a full range of measures in place to reduce risk, limit contact and maintain high standards of hygiene, and unaffected pupils can continue to attend lessons as normal. The self-isolations are taking place purely as a precautionary measure and are in line with national advice from Public Health Wales.

For pupils who are required to self-isolate, virtual classrooms are in place and blended learning techniques, enabling them to continue to participate and benefit from lessons.

We would urge parents, carers and guardians to support efforts to fight the spread of the coronavirus by remaining vigilant, and remind them of the importance of not sending children to school if they exhibit any symptoms of Covid-19 or have tested positive.

Cabinet member for education Charles Smith

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