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Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) Consultation

We are consulting on two Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) documents:

  1. Recreation facilities and new housing development
  2. Education facilities and residential development

These documents have been prepared to give developers in Bridgend County Borough further guidance on various policies contained within the Council's Local Development Plan (LDP).

Recreation facilities and new housing development SPG

The delivery of recreation facilities through the planning system is one of the key objectives of the Bridgend LDP. The main purpose of the SPG is to provide advice to developers on the circumstances in which the council will expect the provision recreation space on proposed residential developments.

Education facilities and residential development SPG

In the interest of providing the children of Bridgend County Borough with the opportunity to thrive and prosper, the council has a duty to ensure that good quality educational facilities are available creating the opportunity to learn. The main purpose of the SPG is to provide advice to developers on the circumstances in which the Council may seek contributions towards the provision of educational facilities for new residential developments.

Consultation documents

Recreation facilities and new housing development SPG

Education facilities and residential development SPG

Comment on the draft SPG

The deadline for commenting on the draft SPG is 5.00pm on Friday 3 April 2020. Any comments received after this deadline will not be accepted.

Respond to the consultation

We want to ensure that we get your views on the SPG’s before they are finalised and published. You can access the documents and representation forms online below and they are also available for you to view at the Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend.

Download the Supplementary Planning Guidance comments form

Please send any completed comments forms to the contact details provided below.


Development Planning Team
Telephone: 01656 643162
Address: Bridgend County Borough Council, Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB.

Next steps

Once the consultation period has ended, each response or comment will be reported back to development control committee with a response from council officers recommending any proposed changes considered appropriate in light of the comment received.

The SPGs will then be adopted by the council and will become a material consideration in the determination of relevant planning applications.

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