Waste collections

We provide a fortnightly waste collection for materials that cannot be recycled at the kerbside.

There is two bag limit per fortnight.

Please remember to place at the kerbside before 7am on your collection day. Be careful when placing your bags out for collection to avoid blocking the pavement.

Do not place bags out before 7pm the night before your collection as this can cause littering problems.  

Residents who put their bags out outside of these times could receive a £100 fixed penalty notice or even prosecution under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Please do not place the following in your waste bags:

  • garden waste
  • DIY items such as paint, stones, rubble or builders’ waste
  • clinical waste such as medical waste or needles
  • dead animals
  • cooking or engine oil
  • electrical items
  • trade waste
  • hazardous waste such as solvents and chemicals
  • batteries
  • fluorescent tubes or light bulbs containing mercury
  • poison or baits
  • asbestos

Request additional bags

You can apply to put out extra bags each fortnight.

For example, a home for eight people with an ash-producing coal fire as the main heat source could have three extra refuse bags.

However the two bag limit is achievable for an average family of five.

Household circumstances Number of extra bags that can be applied for
Five or fewer residents 0
Six or seven residents 1
Eight or more residents 2
Homes with ash-producing coal fires as the main source of heating 1

Sharps and clinical waste

We do not collect clinical waste or sharps generated within a domestic setting.

Please contact the Cwm Taf University Health Board if you need to dispose of these items.

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