If you drop litter in a public place you have committed an offence. You may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice of £100 under the powers of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005.
We have engaged with a private contractor to help tackle environmental crime. A new 12 month contract has been awarded to the Environmental Crime and Enforcement Company, 3GS.
Uniformed litter and dog fouling enforcement officers are patrolling the county borough. They will issue Fixed Penalty Notices to anybody who deliberately drops litter in streets, parks or public spaces.
3GS will also work with us to promote anti-litter campaigns in local communities. They will promote positive messages and highlight the harm and risk of littering to the environment.
To make sure you don’t get fined, always place your litter in a nearby litter bin. If there is no litter bin around, then you must take the litter home with you and dispose of it correctly.
If you have received a fine please visit 3GS’s website to pay it.