Bad-weather advice
- use Bridge FM and BBC Wales for local news updates
- school closure updates
- visit Bridgend County Borough Council’s Facebook page
- visit Bridgend County Borough Council’s Twitter page, and monitor #BCBCwinter for updates
- Age UK, T: 02920 431555
- Budgeting Loans, T: 0845 6043719
- Care and Repair, T: 01656 646755
- Citizens Advice Bureau, T: 03444 772020
- Dial UK, The Disability Information Line, T: 0808 800 3333
- Energy Saving Trust, T: 0300 1231234
- Fire Safety, T: 0800 1691234
- Gas Health and Safety, T: 0800 300363
- Money Advice Service, T: 0800 1387777
- National Debtline, T: 0808 8084000
- National Insulation Association, T: 0845 1636363
- NEST, the Welsh Government’s fuel poverty scheme, T: 0808 808 2244
- Pension Service, T: 0845 6060265
- Royal National Institute of Blind People, T: 029 2082 8500
- Winter fuel payments, T: 0800 731 0160
- Women’s Royal Voluntary Service, T: 0845 608 0122