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Pest control

We offer a pest control service for residential properties in Bridgend County Borough. We are not able to treat commercial properties.

We can treat the following:

  • Rats
  • Mice
  • Cockroaches
  • Bedbugs
  • Wasps
  • Fleas

Please note: There is a charge of £60 for the treatment of wasps and £90 for the treatment of fleas.

If you are experiencing an infestation of mice, rats, bed bugs or cockroaches at a residential property, we can arrange a free visit from our Pest Control Team.


We do not treat bees outside properties. We may treat bees inside properties only when there is a public protection or health and safety risk. This will need to be sanctioned by a registered beekeeper.

If there are bees outside your property, please contact Bridgend Beekeepers.

Signs of a rodent infestation include:

  1. Smell. Rats and mice typically have a very strong ammonia smell.
  2. Sound. On top of their foul odour, rodents are often very noisy.
  3. Droppings. Rats excrete pellet-shaped droppings up to 14mm, while mice droppings are typically 5mm and spindle shaped.
  4. Smears. Grease and dirt from their bodies may leave smudges on surfaces and skirting boards. Due to their poor eyesight they tend to use established routes.
  5. Footprints. Rats can leave foot and tail marks in dusty, less-used areas of buildings such as cellars.

Prevent a rodent infestation

  • Secure food - Store food in sealed containers to prevent rodents from accessing it, and to minimise any smells that may attract them. Also, ensure that any outdoor bins have secure lids and that food waste is kept to a minimum, with compost bins fastened tightly.

  • Seal any openings - Seal any holes larger than a quarter of an inch, which is the width of a biro pen. As rodents can quickly chew through all sorts of materials to create larger openings, fill them with steel wool and/or cement where possible.

  • Cleanliness is key - Regularly clean under stoves, fridges, cupboards as well as any other hard-to-reach areas.

  • Check your drains regularly - Rodents can enter buildings through damaged drains, check these are well maintained. 

Conditions to meet before Aderyn will visit

Residents that have been informed to shield during COVID19 restrictions, please follow government guidance which is:

Keep contacts to a minimum

Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds, or use hand sanitiser if hand washing facilities are not available

Stay 2 metres or 3 steps away from people you do not live with.

Avoid touching your face and wear a face covering where required.

Clean surfaces regularly and avoid touching surfaces others have touched

Ensure any enclosed areas are well ventilated.

If you have tested positive, or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive, we will only call out once the isolation period has finished.

If sighted within the living space and deemed an emergency

Sighted within 24 hours. You must have seen a rat within the last 24 hours inside your home (Mice are not deemed as an emergency).

Must be within the living space. Living space is deemed as rooms within your home such as kitchen, bathroom, living room or bedroom. Attic, cavity wall and garages are not deemed as living space.

If sighted outside of the living space, including attic, cavity wall and garages

  • Cut off outside food sources - Do not feed any animals outdoors such as birds, stray cats, or squirrels. Ensure any animal droppings from domestic pets are cleared as these can all feed rats.

  • Remove cover for rats - Ensure there is no overgrown grass or plants, or a build-up of old materials/rubble at your property. This removes shelter for rats.

  • Protect food waste containers - Ensure all food waste containers are sealed and shut away so no animal can access them.

  • It must be a consistent problem rather than just seeing one rat in passing which isn’t seen again. If a rat can’t find food or shelter, it has no reason to return to a garden.

  • Don’t use your own bait or traps - As per the label on rat poison, it is the responsibility of the person who placed the bait to check it and collect any bodies. Aderyn will not attend to check your own bait or pick up carcasses from your own rat poison.

Check and wash pets

Regularly check and wash your pets for fleas with a flea comb. This will catch a potential problem early and prevent fleas from settling in carpets and bedding.

Frequent bedding wash

Wash pet bedding weekly, ideally at temperatures above 50 degrees to kill any dormant fleas and eggs.

Vacuum floors

Vacuum floors and furniture regularly. Ensure you cover hard to reach places as fleas like to hide in cracks in floorboards and crevices.

Shake rugs and bedding

Shake or beat rugs and pet bedding outdoors so that fleas and eggs fall off.

Consider beds’ locations

Consider placing pet beds in areas without carpets. This may include wooden floors, but only if they’re well sealed. If there are gaps between the boards, it may make the pest much harder to treat.

Inspect any new property

When moving into a new home inspect carpets and flooring carefully for signs of eggs or ‘flea dirt’. If the previous owners had pets, the flea larvae might be waiting for you.

Signs of a cockroach problem include:

  1. Unusual smell. An established cockroach infestation produces a lingering and unpleasant odour that taints items the cockroaches touch.
  2. Cockroach droppings. If little water is available, cockroaches will produce brown/black cylindrical droppings which are about 2mm long.
  3. Smear marks. If water is abundant, cockroaches will produce brown and irregular shaped smears. Check for marks on horizontal surfaces and at wall-floor junctions where cockroaches scuttle along.
  4. Shed skins. Cockroaches shed five to eight skins as they mature into adults. These shed skins are usually found close to where the cockroaches are sheltering.

Prevent a cockroach infestation

Secure food

The most effective way to deter cockroaches is to deny them food, water and shelter by:

  • not leaving liquids in sinks or buckets
  • not leaving food sitting out on counters
  • storing dry foods in tightly sealed containers
  • rinsing cans, bottles and plastics before putting them in recycling bins
  • emptying your rubbish every day

Clear all waste food and liquid spillage. That includes cleaning up food debris from food preparation areas, under sinks and appliances. Remove pet food, drink and litter trays before nightfall.


Cockroaches release an aggregation pheromone in their droppings telling others they have found a safe place. Remove old stacks of newspapers and magazines, unused cardboard boxes and other clutter from the floor or bottom of cupboards where cockroaches have easy access.

Take preventive measures

These include:

  • varnishing or painting wood shelves to seal them, and wiping them clean regularly
  • checking key risk areas where cockroaches may gain entry into the home such as cracks, crevices, vents, sewers and drainpipes
  • reducing potential hiding areas by sealing areas such as cracks in walls, around skirting boards, behind electrical sockets, under kitchen sinks and bathroom cabinets

Before you travel, check sites like Trip Advisor for reviews

If the hotel has had a problem with bed bugs previously, it’s likely customers will have shared their experience of it in online review sites.

In hotels, bed bugs are usually found on and around the bed and will hide in mattress seams, headboards and crevices in bedside furniture. They can even be found in skirting boards. Because of this, ensure you thoroughly search before you settle into your room. Check your luggage too in case you have picked up any bugs in the aircraft hold.

Many people put their luggage on their bed when they arrive in their room. However, it’s recommended that you place your case in a bath or shower so that you can check the bed for bugs first. This helps to reduce the risk of bugs crawling from the bedding to your clothing and vice versa.

Ask to change rooms

If you do suspect bed bugs are present, ask to change hotel rooms. Also, ask for a room on a different floor which isn’t directly above or below the suspected room, as bed bugs can travel between rooms.

Search and wash your belongings as soon as you get home

Put your case in a bath and check for signs of the insects before you start unpacking your belongings. Wash any clothing you took on a 60 degree wash, which will help kill any live bed bugs or eggs.

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