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Business Start-Up Fund
This is a flexible grant scheme delivered through a partnership with UK Steel Enterprise and Bridgend County Borough Council.
It provides financial assistance to new or existing micro-businesses that are located, or are planning to locate, in Bridgend County Borough.
A micro-business is one which has fewer than ten employees and a turnover or balance sheet total of less than £2 million.
New start-ups and businesses within the first three years of trading may be considered.
The business must be located within Bridgend County Borough.
We may seek reimbursement if the business moves away from the area within one year of being awarded funding.
Those who are not eligible to apply are:
- organisations or groups not undertaking trading activities
- political or religious groups
- clubs and societies
- voluntary organisations
- those in receipt of funds above state aid thresholds
Eligible costs could include:
- capital equipment
- computer equipment
- development of websites
- building works to business premises
There are certain costs the scheme cannot fund, such as:
- Any costs incurred prior to formal approval.
- Any revenue costs.
- VAT or any other taxes.
- Legal costs/Works being carried out as a statutory requirement.
- Membership of Professional Bodies.
- Refinancing of bad debts of any kind, or company liabilities not associated with the project.
- Training costs.
- Planning application costs.
- Insurance, salaries or business overheads including salaries and other staff costs.
- Preparation of plans and studies, eg. Business Plans/Feasibility Studies.
- Marketing/Advertising costs (leaflets, business cards etc).
- Stock or non-reusable items.
- Works carried out on a domestic property, either new build or refurbishment or extensions/garden rooms/log cabins.
The grant can provide up to 50% of eligible projects costs.
The minimum grant is £250 and the maximum grant available is £4,000 so the maximum project cost is £8,000 (excluding VAT).
The grant will be awarded on a first come first served basis but all forms must be compliant and contain the relevant information some of which must be uploaded.
Please note: We will only consider a maximum of five items per application.
How to apply
We are now accepting applications to the Business Start-up Fund.
We operate on a first come, first served basis, and will only process compliant application forms which have the accompanying required evidence uploaded as set out below.
To access an application form, please complete the eligibility checker below.
We will notify you within four to six weeks of the outcome of your application and if you are successful, you will be required to submit your claim within three months from the date of our offer to you. We reserve the right to withdraw the funding offer after this time elapses.
You can access the cash flow template and business plan below, but they are also embedded in the online form:
- Cash flow template(Opens in a new tab or window)
(Opens in a new tab or window) - Business plan(Opens in a new tab or window)
Two comparable quotes are also required for each capital item required. You will need to upload these onto your application form.
You will also need to upload your bank statement and send us updates if your project progresses.
You will also need to upload proof of identity and proof of address.
The business must seek to provide employment for the Applicant for a minimum of 30 hours per week and should provide your main form of income. The grant cannot support the development of a hobby or pastime.
Help and advice with putting a business plan together is available from the Business Wales website(Opens in a new tab or window) or by phone - 03000 6 03000
Business start-up factsheets
You can obtain business start-up factsheets on different types of business activities via the Business Wales website(Opens in a new tab or window), or contact the helpline on 03000 6 03000.
No expenditure should be incurred before grant approval, as the grants cannot be awarded retrospectively. Under normal circumstances we will only support one application for funding under the Business Start-up Fund.
The business/director(s) of the business must NOT have an interest/shareholding in any of the companies supplying quotes/estimates for the grant application. The Applicant must accept the terms and conditions of the grant by completing and returning the Certificate of Acceptance which we will issue if your grant application is successful. Do not proceed with your project until you have returned the Certificate of Acceptance.
Should the project not proceed within the period stipulated in the offer letter the grant would automatically lapse.
Items purchased through credit card/hire purchase/extended credit agreements/finance leases and cash purchases will NOT be considered for grant funding. All purchases need to be undertaken from the BANK ACCOUNT listed on the application form which must be in the name of the business or the applicant.
Should the application be successful, the grant money is paid direct into the BANK ACCOUNT of the Applicant or Business after receipt of invoices and sight of bank statements to confirm payment and satisfactory monitoring.
Grant will not be offered or paid if the Business or the Applicant is in arrears with any payment to Bridgend County Borough Council. Checks will be made as required, to be determined by your project officer.