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Community Renewal Fund projects
Information about successful Community Renewal Fund projects that were delivered in Bridgend County Borough during 2022.
Project proposals were encouraged from both urban and rural areas that aligned four identified themes with local priorities:
- investment in skills
- investment in local business
- investment in communities and place
- supporting people into employment
Women’s Focussed Accelerator in Bridgend delivered by we are radikl
Project: Design, build and deliver a women’s focussed accelerator experience for early stage founders seeking to create recurring revenue between £50k - £250k per annum.
Bridgend Elevate and Prosper (EAP)
Project: The Bridgend Elevate and Prosper (EAP) project worked by developing a series of meanwhile and popup initiatives to create opportunities for start-ups and micro-business growth, encourage greater footfall and dwell time, and enable greater resilience with a 'quicker, lighter, cheaper' approach to test a series of changes.
The project made spaces available and brokered the process, whilst providing wrap around business support and providing some small grants to assist businesses to take up the opportunities.
Transforming Young Minds for Tomorrow – Engineering Education Scheme Wales
Project: The project created piloted interactive activities and experiences to expose both primary school pupils in years 5 and 6 and secondary school pupils in years 10 and 11 to the excitement and wonders of manufacturing and engineering and made them aware of the range of innovative and rewarding careers available in the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing, Creative and Digital and Energy and Environment sectors in the region.
Pupils from both age categories engaged together in the learning experience, with an emphasis on learning and transition for primary pupils, and a learning, careers and mentoring/responsibility roles and experience for secondary pupils.
Connecting Teachers with Industry – Engineering Education Scheme Wales
Project: The Connecting Teachers with Industry Project will created and delivered events aimed at teaching professionals of both primary and secondary schools. Events exposed teachers to the excitement and wonders of manufacturing and engineering and made them aware of the range of innovative and rewarding careers available in the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing, Creative and Digital and Energy and Environment sectors in the region.
The Project will also ran Connections to Industry sessions aimed at pupils to provide the opportunity to have guest speakers visit their school at pupil assemblies, run collapsed-curriculum days and other careers focussed events.
Enterprise Bridgend / Business in Focus
Project: Enterprise Bridgend delivered by Focus Futures was designed to improve the situations that local people and businesses may have found themselves in following the Covid-19 pandemic.
Tailored towards economically inactive/unemployed/and part time people, supporting them into starting new businesses and becoming self-employed whilst building skills/confidence providing access to training, personal development and offering support and guidance.
Support also existed for established local businesses, helping to navigate them through Covid-19 recovery and perform a needs diagnostic to best ascertain the key areas of support and assistance required.