Scrap metal dealer licence
To be a scrap metal dealer, you must register with your local authority.
To apply, please complete an online application form.
Alternatively, download an application form:
Please return completed application forms to:
A scrap metal dealer shall be considered operating a business in an area if:
- the dealer uses a local place as a scrap metal store
- the dealer does not use a place as a scrap metal store, but has a main residence locally
- the dealer does not use a place as a scrap metal store, but has a place for business purposes locally
Applicants must state:
- their full name
- the dealer’s address, or, with a company, their registered or principal office
- the address of each place used as a scrap metal store, if any
- if the business runs without a scrap metal store
- if the business runs without a scrap metal store but applicants use a place for business purposes, and that place’s address
The registered dealer must notify the local authority if these details change, or if they cease to be a scrap metal dealer.
You may act as though your application is granted even if you have not heard from the local authority by the application’s expected end.
For appeals regarding businesses in Bridgend County Borough, please contact us on the details below:
For redress regarding businesses in Bridgend County Borough, please contact us on the details below:
When complaining, make the first contact with the trader yourself, and preferably by letter with proof of delivery. If that does not work and you are in the UK, Citizens’ Advice Consumer Helpline can help. Outside the UK, contact the UK European Consumer Centre.
There is no other route for redress.