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Porthcawl Placemaking Strategy
The Porthcawl Placemaking Strategy (2022) provides a framework to guide high quality mixed use development across the Porthcawl Waterfront Regeneration Area (PWRA).
The Porthcawl Placemaking Strategy builds upon the Local Development Plan (LDP) and proposed Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP) allocation for the Porthcawl Waterfront Regeneration Area.
The Placemaking Strategy was formulated in order to ensure that the future development of the PWRA is aligned with the Council’s aspirations to deliver development of the highest quality and responds to the wide-ranging needs of both the current community and future generations.
The preparation of the Placemaking Strategy and associated consultation provided an opportunity for members of the public to understand and influence the framework and guiding principles for development within the PWRA.
The public consultation for the Placemaking Strategy was undertaken over a three week period from 24 November 2021 to 17 December 2021. The consultation included a two day public exhibition in the Porthcawl Pavilion which was attended by in excess of 1,000 members of the public. This exhibition was followed by the consultation material being displayed on the Cosy Corner site hoarding for 3 weeks and being made available online on the Council website.
The outcome of the public consultation process was fully outlined within the consultation report included as part of the 8 March 2022 report to Cabinet which resulted in the Placemaking Strategy being approved.
In response to the areas of concern identified through the consultation the following core amendments were made to the indicative mix and distribution of uses identified within the PWRA:
- Creation of a circa 200m long and 70m wide linear park along the Salt Lake seafront.
- Enlarged area of open space adjoining the pedestrianised extension to Dock Street and adjoining piazza.
- Reduction in the area of land on Salt Lake earmarked for housing by approximately a third.
The aforementioned amendments to the framework for development outlined within the approved version of the Placemaking Startegy introduced significant changes to the form of development previously proposed across the wider PWRA as a whole, including the introduction of additional open space that can be used flexibly by the community.
In addition to these amendments the Placemaking Strategy includes proposals for a new access road to Sandy Bay complete with integrated active travel routes and a significant extension to Griffin Park which would connect through to the relic dunes and Sandy Bay Beach.
The delivery of this enhanced access and open space infrastructure is reliant on the proposed appropriation as the land is required to be vested for planning purposes in order for the highway works and the associated development to be delivered.
In addition to providing an overarching framework for development within the PWRA the Placemaking Strategy identifies a series of key development areas / opportunities including the following:
- Eastern Promenade Linear Park: Opportunity to remove cars from eastern promenade and deliver a circa 200m linear park
- Salt Lake South: Opportunity for new leisure development and public realm
- Salt Lake Central: Opportunity to deliver new homes, pockets of commercial development and public realm.
- Salt Lake North: Opportunity for new food retail store and residential development to the east
- Hillsboro: Opportunity to deliver a multi storey car park on Hillsboro North, create a new area of flexible community space on Hillsboro South and a pedestrianised extension to Dock Street.
- Sandy Bay West: Opportunity to extend Griffin Park eastwards and deliver a new development on land at Coney Beach, including an active ground floor frontage facing the sea, new recreational route, enhanced sea defences and residential development
- Sandy Bay East: Opportunity to deliver new homes in addition to public open space, active travel routes, extensions to Newton Primary and a new school.
Following approval of the Placemaking Strategy by BCBC Cabinet in March 2022 the Council has progressed the Porthcawl Compulsory Purchase Order and proposed appropriation of land at Griffin Park and Sandy Bay as these are important precursory steps to allowing development to come forward across the Coney Beach and Sandy Bay portions of the PWRA.
Additionally, and as outlined within the March 2022 cabinet report further work is being progressed in connection with bringing forward individual development opportunities and further consultation will be carried out in connection with these projects at the appropriate time.
Most recently an open space concept design has been prepared following close engagement with key stakeholders and wider public consultation.
The Open Space Concept Design set out the Council’s ambitions for how public open space could be used in the Porthcawl Waterfront Area, and what new community facilities it will seek to develop over the next few years as part of the town’s ongoing regeneration.
The concept designs reflect the aims and objectives of the council’s Placemaking Strategy for Porthcawl as well capturing a shared vision which has been informed by extensive public consultation.
Whilst the proposals are illustrative and dependent upon the availability of future funding sources, they reflect the council’s long-term ambitions for Porthcawl and desire to work closely alongside local people as the regeneration plans move forward.