Policies, procedures and guidance
The council have a number of policies and procedures to follow in order to comply with procurement law.
These are in place for the safety of all our suppliers and contractors, and ensure that the council is a fair and transparent authority.
Bridgend County Borough Council's strategy for responsible procurement.
Guidance regarding the responsibilities of everyone in the supply chain in the safeguarding of vulnerable individuals.
Bridgend County Borough Council is committed to providing visibility to its Modern Slavery statement and ensuring transparency in our supply chains.
By carrying out procurement activity, the Welsh public sector is expected to adopt certain principles.
This code of practice helps ensure the ethical employment practices are carried out throughout the supply chain.
Our strategy to meet the Welsh Government commitment to be Carbon Net Zero by 2030.
This ambitious four year Digital Strategy sets out how we will make the most of the opportunities digital presents us.
View Bridgend County Borough Council’s Contract Procedure Rules.
Bridgend County Borough Council's commitment to supporting the UK Steel industry.