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Anti-social behaviour
The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 defines anti-social behaviour as acting in a manner that causes or is likely to cause ‘harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons, not of the same households’. Examples of anti-social behaviour include:
- nuisance, rowdy or inconsiderate neighbours
- vandalism, graffiti and fly-posting
- street drinking or alcohol related disorder
- abusive behaviour
- environmental damage including littering, fly-tipping and abandoning cars
- inconsiderate or inappropriate use of vehicles
- prostitution related activity
- begging and vagrancy
- fireworks misuse
Report Anti-social Behaviour
If you are experiencing problems with anti-social behaviour, please report to South Wales Police online
In an emergency, call 999.
If it is a council matter like fly tipping, you should contact the council.
If it is a public protection issue, for example noise pollution, please contact the Shared Regulatory Services.
Along with our community safety partner agencies, we have a responsibility to deal with anti-social behaviour and to help people who are suffering from it.
The Community Safety Partnership co-ordinates a multi-agency response to reports of anti-social behaviour. We do not take referrals from the public, who should report incidents of anti-social behaviour to one of our partner organisations such as the police.
We receive reports of anti-social behaviour from partner agencies including schools, the police, the health service and housing associations.
South Wales Community Trigger/ASB Case Review
The South Wales Community Trigger/ASB Case review gives victims of anti-social behaviour the right to have their case reviewed.
A person who has experienced and reported three incidents of anti-social behaviour in six months or one incident or crime motivated by hate (hate incident/crime) reported by one person can start a review of their case.
Please note: ASB Case Review is not a complaints process, if you want to make a complaint about an individual’s conduct or an organisation, you must use the complaints procedure of that specific organisation.
You can contact your community trigger co-ordinator for Bridgend county borough using the following information.