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Active Travel Consultation
This consultation is now closed.
We are looking for your views to improve the walking and cycling infrastructure across Bridgend County Borough and to help shape the Active Travel routes of the future.
Thank you for telling us about the barriers you face when walking and cycling in the first phase of this consultation. Over 900 people responded with 3,099 contributions.
We have considered these comments and drafted route plans. These show existing and future routes for walking and cycling for everyday journeys in Bridgend County Borough.
Next Steps
The consultation is split into three steps and will provide many opportunities for the public to feed into the Active Travel Network Maps:
- Consultation December 2020 to January 2021: Feedback on barriers to walking and cycling: What are your views on the existing infrastructure? Where do you experience difficulties when walking or cycling? And what would you like to see in the future?
- Consultation March to April 2021: Validation of the draft network: Based on your feedback from the first consultation we will come up with a draft network map and want to hear your thoughts on the proposed plans.
- Consultation July to October 2021: Final statutory consultation on the proposed Active Travel Network Map, which will have considered the feedback of the first two rounds of consultation. After this, the final network map will be submitted to Welsh Government for approval.
Stay informed
For further information on Active Travel and services please visit Active Travel routes.
In case you want to be involved in future consultations on active travel in Bridgend County Borough, please email us your contact details and we will inform you about any future consultations.