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Budget consultation 2022
This consultation is now closed.
Every year, as part of the budget setting process, the council consults with the public to seek their views on what they consider should be the priority areas for allocating the budget for the forthcoming financial year, and to examine those views against funding provided by the Welsh Government.
Budget planning for the financial year 2023-24 is more uncertain than ever before. As well as the ongoing impact of the covid-19 pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine has contributed to the rise of energy and other prices globally, leading to the current cost-of-living crisis which will also have a significant impact on the council’s overall costs.
The council faces an unprecedented financial challenge over the coming years, which estimates a funding gap of up to £20m in the 2023 - 2024 financial period.
The council is facing even more cost pressures going forward than have been experienced in previous years, and it will likely become more challenging to continue providing the same level of services whilst attempting to continue supporting our older and more vulnerable members of society.
The council is dependent on funding from Welsh Government to provide vital services. The financial settlement from Welsh Government for 2022/23 was significantly better than anticipated but the projections for 2023/24 onwards are not as favourable, particularly as national economic circumstances have significantly changed in recent months.
The cost-of-living pressures that all residents are experiencing are also being felt by the local authority. To support services going forward the council will have to consider an increase in council tax in the coming financial year and your input to this survey will assist in identifying those council services that are most valued and we should continue to fund.
We are looking to make Bridgend County Borough ‘Fit for the Future’ and to help us do this, we need to understand your views and priorities.
The survey covers the following areas;
- prioritising council services
- council tax levels
- digitalisation of council services
- how the council has performed over the past 12 months