Net Zero Carbon Strategy consultation

Bridgend County Borough Council has committed to the Net Zero 2030 target as an organisation and recognises its leadership role to enable and facilitate wider Net Zero action for businesses and communities in the county.

Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC) declared its own climate emergency in June 2020 and set up its Climate Emergency Response programme. This has a commitment to achieve Net Zero carbon emissions by 2030 across its operations.

This Bridgend 2030 Net Zero Carbon Strategy (“Bridgend 2030 Strategy”) is the initial strategic step in achieving this commitment. Importantly, this Strategy will not be the only driver for Net Zero, it will be an integral part of the Council’s Corporate Plan and Wellbeing Plan, whilst policies, strategies and ongoing plans will all reflect the commitment to Net Zero. This will ensure it is fully embraced across the organisation.

BCBC has recently calculated its Carbon Footprint to be 90,241 (19/20) per year. The task the Council faces is to reduce the amount of carbon it emits – directly, indirectly and through supply chains – whilst at the same time increasing levels of carbon sequestration through Council assets and activities.

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