Draft Welsh Language Strategy objectives consultation
This consultation is now closed.
We’re seeking the views of residents, our workforce, elected members and stakeholders on the proposed Welsh Language Objectives for 2021 to 2026.
The results from this consultation will be used to inform our final Welsh Language Strategy 2021 to 2026, which will begin September 2021.
Draft Welsh Language Strategy objectives
Objectives for the Draft Welsh Language Strategy are based on the following overarching themes:
- Objective one: Promote the use of the Welsh Language within the workforce
- Objective two: Increase awareness of the Welsh Language Standards and opportunities to use Welsh within Bridgend County Borough Council
- Objective three: Support and promote the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP)
- Objective four: Promote the use of Welsh Language and culture in town centre businesses and charities
- Objective five: Encourage statutory participation and engagement through the Welsh Language
- Objective six: Implement the new Welsh Language early years settings in Bridgend County Borough
Do you agree or disagree with these objectives? Do you have any other comments about these objectives or proposals for other objectives? Take part in our consultation to have your views heard.