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Crime and disorder
Since 1 October 2009, the council has legally been required to have an Overview and Scrutiny Committee with power to:
- review or scrutinise decisions made or action taken by the responsible authorities in connection with the discharge of crime and disorder functions
- make reports or recommendations to Council or Cabinet, as determined by responsibility for function, in connection with the discharge of those functions
The responsible authorities in the Bridgend County Borough are:
- Bridgend County Borough Council
- South Wales Police
- South Wales Police Authority
- South Wales Fire Authority
- Bridgend Local Health Board
Crime and disorder matters include anti-social behaviour, behaviour adversely affecting the local environment, and misuse of drugs, alcohol or other substances.
The legislation means any councillor can refer a local crime and disorder matter to this committee and it may be considered, whether they are members of the committee or not.
The Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee has been designated the responsibilities under the crime and disorder legislation. The Committee also oversees the decision making of the Community Safety Partnership and its constituent bodies (in respect of their community safety roles).
The Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee meets to consider crime and disorder matters at least once per year.