Contact us

There are a number of services you can access online, including recycling and waste, highways, transportation, building control, environmental health and trading standards.

Opening Times 1: Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5pm
Opening Times 2: Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Online form

You can contact us about a number of issues directly including benefits, blue badges, council tax, highways, housing, land charges, licensing, My Account support, planning and building control, recycling and waste, pest control and registrars.


Please remember to make your language preference and listen for the relevant department. 

Telephone: 01656 643643

For text relay, put 18002 before any of our numbers.


To contact us is writing:

Address: Bridgend County Borough Council, Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB.


Please note: SMS Service is for D/deaf and hard of hearing customers.

Telephone: 07581 157014

Out of hours

If you need to contact us outside of our opening times, you will be put through to our Customer and Community Support Unit (CCSU). While they cannot take payments, they can help with issues including:

  • pest control
  • problems on the highway
  • monitoring the Rhiw multi-story car park
  • emergency planning
  • out of hour emergencies
  • public protection
Telephone: 01656 643643

Sign up to My Account

My Account is a personalised service for Bridgend County Borough residents. Registering is quick and easy and all you need to get started is an email address.

Using My Account to submit your forms means we receive them immediately, which saves you time and money.

If you have contacted the council via any of the above services, we would like to hear from you. 

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