Registration for Garden Waste Collections 2025/26 are now open - Register online
Our promise to you
Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We want to make sure that all sectors of the community can access our services and that whenever and however you contact us, you receive the highest level of customer service.
‘Our promise to you’ sets out what you can expect from us and what we expect from you in return.
Our service to you
- Set standards of customer service and monitor our performance against them, for example how people rate the service they receive at our Contact Centre and the number of queries we resolve over the phone without having to transfer you to a different department
- Deliver high quality, accessible and easy to use services that meet your needs
- Continuously improve our services by understanding and meeting your needs
- Deal with all enquiries promptly and confidentially
- Treat you with respect, honesty and fairness
- Learn from your feedback, both positive and negative, and use this to improve services
- Have professional and knowledgeable staff
- Provide an accessible, responsive service and do what we say we will do
- Create a welcoming atmosphere in our public buildings
- Provide a bilingual service where customers can contact us in Welsh or English
- Have a robust complaints policy and procedures
Our values and responsibilities
- Promote equality and value diversity
- Continuously improve the skills and capability of our people
- Be impartial in all dealings
- Make sure everyone can access our services equally
- Take care to preserve your privacy and security
- Protect your personal information
How you can help us
We ask that you:
- provide the correct information at the right time
- tell us when something changes
- use our online services whenever possible
- be considerate and polite to other customers
- treat our staff with respect
- give us feedback on how we are doing
- ask us to explain anything you are not sure about
- keep any appointment you have made with us (if you cannot do so, please let us know in advance)
- respect our social media policy
When you contact us via our website, social media, email or post
We will:
- respond to your email/written correspondence as soon as possible; if we are unable to give you a full answer, we will let you know what happens next and when
- write in plain English and avoid jargon where possible
- seek to continuously review and improve our website and online services with your feedback in mind
- ensure our website is accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of technology or ability
- correspond with you in your chosen language – Welsh or English
- monitor our main Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts during normal working hours (except bank holidays and public holidays) and reply as soon as possible
- remove offensive posts that others put on our Facebook page as quickly as possible and take action to prevent similar content from appearing again, for example by blocking persistent offenders
When you contact us by phone or text
We will:
- aim to resolve your enquiry there and then; when this is not possible, we will arrange for someone to call you back with an answer within 24 hours, at a time that is convenient to you
- aim to transfer you only once should your call need to be referred to a different department
- clearly state our name, department and reason for calling when returning your call
When you visit us
We will:
- make sure our reception areas are accessible, clean, tidy and clearly signposted (in Welsh and English)
- be friendly and helpful
- see you on time when you have an appointment
- clearly display our opening hours
- keep all displayed information up-to-date and well presented
- provide seating for customers and private interview facilities, when requested
- make arrangements as soon as possible for your specific communication requirements, for example if you need to use a language other than Welsh or English, or if you are deaf or hard of hearing