Related links
- Report an empty property
- Report dog fouling
- Report fly-tipping
- Report Fraud
- Report graffiti
- Report littering
Registration for Garden Waste Collections 2025/26 are now open - Register online
The council has the power to remove and dispose of abandoned vehicles under the Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978. Abandoned vehicles cannot be removed from private land without permission from the landowner.
A vehicle may have been abandoned if it is:
If you think a vehicle has been abandoned, please contact us. It is important that you give us as much information as you can so that we can find and deal with the vehicle.
If you can, please tell us:
When we have found the abandoned vehicle, we will tag it and give notice of removal. If the vehicle isn’t removed within seven days, or if its owner can’t be traced, we will remove it.