Related links
- Report an abandoned vehicle
- Report an empty property
- Report fly-tipping
- Report Fraud
- Report graffiti
- Report littering
Registration for Garden Waste Collections 2025/26 are now open - Register online
It is an offence for dog owners not to remove any faeces deposited by their dog.
The offence is punishable by payment of a fixed penalty fine or by summons under the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996.
If you take a dog for a walk and it fouls in a public space it is your responsibility to pick it up. If you fail to pick up after your dog you could be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice of £100 or be prosecuted which could result in a fine of up to £1,000.
If you have witnessed a case of dog fouling please report it to us via our online form.
Disposing of your dog’s waste in public is easy. Simply pick it up using a bag, then deposit it in any public litter bin or take it home and place it in your landfill sack.
Dog fouling is unpleasant, dangerous and harmful. Not picking up after pets puts everyone at risk of potential diseases and infections which can cause blindness.
To target irresponsible owners, we have passed a Public Spaces Protection Order for Dog Control. In all public spaces throughout the county borough, it sets these conditions on owners with dogs under their control:
The order’s rules don’t apply to a person with a disability as defined by the Equality Act 2010 when all of these conditions are met: