Registration for Garden Waste Collections 2025/26 are now open - Register online
Bridgend County Borough Council performance information including the council's Corporate Self-assessment, Audit Wales reports and Benchmarking.
Audit Wales produce an annual improvement report, which reports on how well we are delivering our services and how we have improved since the previous year.
The council has four Lay Members who sit on the Governance and Audit Committee. These statutory committees are a key component of a Local Authority’s governance framework and improvement programme.
Bridgend County Borough Council performance data information.
Every year, we must publish a self-assessment report. The report assures Welsh Government that we are performing well, making decisions in a sensible, open way and using our money and other resources properly.
This framework, designed for everyone involved in delivering the outcomes we want, sets out our systematic approach to performance management, linking service delivery to our vision and priorities.
A law called the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 was introduced in 2016. It created goals for each authority to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural wellbeing of their area.
Welsh Government provides information about recycling in Bridgend County Borough, including how much is collected and where it goes to be turned into new products.