Corporate Plan

Our Corporate Plan for 2023-28 sets out the council’s priorities and how we will work alongside local people and partners to provide services over the next five years.

Called ‘Delivering Together,’ the plan is designed to be easier for people to engage with.

It has been produced using feedback from staff, residents of all ages and backgrounds, users and providers of council services, elected members, partner organisations, other local authorities and more.

Corporate Plan cover
Bridgend County Borough map

Bridgend County Borough

Bridgend County Borough covers around 100 square miles with a population of 145,760 (2021 census).

We have a diverse geography, with beautiful valleys in the north to the 12.5 miles of coastline and beaches to the south.

The M4 runs right through the centre of the county borough, and we have main-line rail links to Cardiff and London to the east, and Swansea in the west.

Our assets help us keep our communities connected and supported. Without our land, buildings, roads and footpaths we wouldn’t be able to provide most of our services.

We also maintain 882km of road network and 613.72 km of public rights of way, which include footpaths. This is further than the distance from Bridgend to John O’Groats!

Our money 

We will spend over £485 million in 2023/24. The priorities in this plan have been developed alongside very detailed financial plans, to make sure we can afford to deliver them.

A lot of your council’s budget comes directly from the Welsh Government, and less than one fifth comes from council tax.

Where does our budget go? - Nearly half of your council’s budget is spent on our schools and another quarter is spent on social services and wellbeing. You can see the detail in the chart.

Schools 32% £110m / Social Services and Wellbeing 27% £93m / Council Wide Budgets 17% £57m / Communities 9% £31m / Education and Family Support 8% £28m / Chief Executives 7% £24m

Schools 32% £110m / Social Services and Wellbeing 27% £93m / Council Wide Budgets 17% £57m / Communities 9% £31m / Education and Family Support 8% £28m / Chief Executives 7% £24m

Our ambition for Bridgend County Borough

Over the next five years, we want to invest in the right things, the things that make the biggest difference and are most valued by you.

Your council's five ways of working:

  • Better and more targeted use of resources
  • One council, working well together and with partners
  • Improving communication, engagement and responsiveness
  • Supporting and empowering communities 
  • protecting the services that matter to you the most 

Your council’s 7 wellbeing objectives

  • A county borough where we protect our most vulnerable
  • A county borough with fair work, skilled, high-quality jobs and thriving towns
  • A county borough with thriving valleys communities
  • A county borough where we help people meet their potential 
  • A county borough that is responding to the climate and nature emergency 
  • A county borough where people feel valued, heard and part of their community
  • A county borough where we support people to live healthy and happy lives
Graphic: Our ambition for Bridgend County Borough

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