Net Zero Carbon Strategy

Welsh Government has legislated for a Net Zero Wales by 2050 with the public sector leading by example to be Net Zero by 2030.

We have committed to the Net Zero 2030 target as an organisation and recognises the leadership role to enable wider Net Zero for businesses and communities in the county.

We declared our own climate emergency in June 2020 and set up its Climate Emergency Response programme.

The Bridgend 2030 Net Zero Carbon Strategy is the initial strategic step in achieving this commitment.

Importantly, this Strategy will not be the only driver for Net Zero, it will be an integral part of the Council’s Corporate Plan and Wellbeing Plan, whilst policies, strategies and ongoing plans will all reflect the commitment to Net Zero. This will ensure it is fully embraced across the organisation.

Bridgend 2030 graphic

Carbon Neutral by 2030

Carbon neutrality or Net Zero Carbon means balancing the greenhouse gas emissions we produce with the number of gases we are removing from the atmosphere. 

Currently, the world is producing more greenhouse gas emissions than it absorbs which is causing global warming and climate change.

What is Bridgend’s Carbon Footprint?

The Council commissioned a carbon footprint assessment for its own operations. 

  • Total Bridgend Council Carbon Emissions 2019/20: 90,241 tonnes CO2e

This represents around 0.23% of Wales’s total greenhouse gas emissions. 

The Council’s carbon footprint from 2019/20 has been calculated using Welsh Government Carbon Reporting methodology. Welsh Governments Carbon Reporting looks at emissions being attributed to the three categories or scopes:

Direct Emissions - are those that occur from an organisation at source, for example by heating buildings or from the exhausts of vehicles.

Indirect Emissions – are those that occur mainly from electricity used in our activities but where generation and associated emissions are elsewhere.

All other indirect emissions – are those that occur mainly from electricity used in our activities but where generation and associated emissions are elsewhere.

Graph showing BCBC Carbon Emissions by Source

Our Commitments

  1. The Council will demonstrate leadership and commitment to deliver the Bridgend 2030 Net Zero Carbon Strategy, to address the Climate Emergency as declared by Welsh Government, the Senedd and the Council.

  2. The Council will integrate low and zero-carbon behaviours throughout the organisation and carbon impact will become a key consideration in all strategic decisions. 

  3. The Council will decarbonise its built estate by 2030 with a strong focus on energy efficiency, low carbon heating and on-site renewable generation.

  4. The Council will undertake a programme of fleet renewal to ultra-low emission vehicles, such that all vehicles are ULEV by 2030.

  5. The Council will promote active and low-carbon travel options throughout its own operations.

  6. The Council will decarbonise its procurement activity by engaging the supply chain, supporting and mandating suppliers to decarbonise, and progressing sustainable, local procurement practices.

  7. The Council will ensure its land holdings are developed and maintained to support Net Zero objectives through high levels of carbon sequestration and biodiversity.

  8. The Council will decarbonise its waste streams by ending landfill use and adopting a reuse culture alongside sustainable methods of disposal.

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