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Club bids to take on management of Cae Gof sports facilities

Bridgend County Borough Council’s Cabinet is set to discuss a business case put forward by Cefn Cribwr Athletic Club (CCAC) to take on responsibility for sports facilities at Cae Gof Playing Fields as part of the community asset transfer (CAT) programme.

If approved, CCAC will take over the management of the bowls pavilion and green, two rugby pitches and tennis courts.

The club has requested funding of nearly £160,000 from the council’s CAT and Change Management funds to extend the bowls pavilion, where rugby changing facilities will be located and brought up to Welsh Rugby Union standards.

Remaining funds would be put towards improving drainage on the pitches and maintenance equipment to undertake day-to-day management of the bowls green and pitches.

Cefn Cribwr FC has expressed an interest in completing a separate lease for the main pavilion and two football pitches and discussions are ongoing.

Cabinet is recommended to approve the business case and funding request from CCAC.

  • The Cabinet will meet to discuss the report at 2.30pm on Tuesday 19 January.

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