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Council and partners support National Adoption Week

Bridgend County Borough Council has been working in partnership with Western Bay Adoption service to promote National Adoption Week (12-18 October).

This year’s campaign, which has mainly focused on online promotions, has already seen some firsts for adoption in Wales. From Wales’ first adoption podcast from the National Adoption Service to Western Bay’s first virtual child profiling event – things are being done differently and some positive interactions are taking place.

‘Truth Be Told’ the National Adoption Service podcast, features a range of adopters from every region in Wales talking candidly about their adoption experience. There is a real cross section of the different types of people adopting in Wales from older adopters, single people to LGBTQ+. There are six episodes in total with the next being released on Sunday 18 October.

Alongside the podcast, the national service has also created a series of webinars and online discussions. The webinars focus on subjects such as the LGBTQ+ adoption experience and the role of Welsh language in the adoption process in Wales.

ITV Wales, S4C’s Heno and BBC Radio Wales are also broadcasting interviews and features with regional adopters from the podcast.

Alongside the national activity, Western Bay have received some great initial feedback from their first virtual profiling event held on Wednesday 14 October. The aim of the event is to potentially match more children with adopters. Utilising video and graphic design allowed Western Bay to really express the colourful personalities of these wonderful children.

An approved adopter couple from Western Bay have written honestly about their experiences of the profiling event and of their overall adoption journey during lockdown - this is being published as a blog later this week.

Other regional developments for Western Bay include the Life Journey Framework Awards and a new adopter video campaign, which will be launched later this month.

We know that there is still an urgent need to find adoptive families for children who desperately need them. Adoption transforms the lives of those it touches and this National Adoption Week we are appealing to anyone who has ever considered adoption to find out more. Whether you’re married, single, gay or heterosexual, if you think you might be able to give a vulnerable child a loving home, please get in touch.”

The council’s cabinet member for Social Services and Early Help, Councillor Nicole Burnett

Nicola Rogers Regional Manager for Western Bay said “We are optimistic that the result of all these conversations and activity is potential adopters being better informed, current adopters feeling more supported and most importantly, more children being matched and placed in their forever home.”

For more information or to view the webinars please visit the adopt cymru website.

or you can listen to the podcast on their website. 

If you are interested in adoption please visit Western Bay’s website, call 0300 365 2222 or email:

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