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Council marks Carers’ Week 2020 in a different way this year

Carers’ Week (8 – 14 June) in Bridgend County Borough will be marked with the launch of a new ‘Carer’s identification card’ and a series of online events aimed at all carers.

The week forms part of an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities. It also helps people who do not think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed support.

The new identification card will support carers in their role, to enable them to access supermarkets and identify them to emergency services if necessary, to make them aware that they have someone who is dependent on them.

To request a new carers ID card please contact Bridgend Carers Wellbeing service by emailing or calling 01656 336969.

Almost 18,000 local residents act as unpaid carers for relatives, friends, partners or neighbours in the county borough and the daily pressures that a carer can face, particularly during the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic often remain hidden from public view.

Organised in partnership with the Bridgend Carers Wellbeing Service, Carers’ Week 2020 will also feature a series of virtual events:

Tuesday 9 June: Open carers panel 1 - 2pm

All carers across Bridgend County Borough are invited to join our panel discussions, to share your experiences of your caring role and to highlight what matters to you most. If you would like to take part please email:

Thursday 11 June: Coffee, chat and games 2 – 3pm

Join our well-being staff for a chat and some light-hearted fun! This is a virtual meeting and invites will be sent via Zoom. If you would like to take part please email:

Friday 12 June: Carers will be invited to share their stories with us across the day through quotes, drawings or photos.

On behalf of the council, we would like to acknowledge the valuable work that carers undertake on a daily basis.

We want carers to know that we appreciate being a carer can be rewarding but it can also be very challenging especially during this difficult time.

By raising awareness of carers’ issues, signposting people towards the most appropriate support and information, and launching the new identification card, will go some way to relieving the strain and make their lives a little easier.

Councillor Phil White, Cabinet Member for Social Services and Early Help

There is also a 24-hour helpline for carers to support them in their caring duties, please contact: 01656 336969.

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