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Council overwhelmed by offers of support

Residents were recently called upon for help to make scrub bags for care workers across Bridgend County Borough.

The council received a phenomenal response and now have enough offers of support to supply key council workers across the county borough with scrub bags to help keep themselves, service users and their families safe.

We are overwhelmed by the phenomenal response and offers of support from residents.

We received an unprecedented amount of offers after putting out a call for support and cannot thank everyone enough for dedicating their time, resources and skills to creating these items.

The scrub bags will ensure that keyworkers can transport their clothing safely, in the knowledge that they aren’t potentially passing anything on to service users or members of their household which is invaluable in these uncertain times. The bags can also be washed along with the uniforms, to limit exposure to the virus.

Council leader, Huw David

Keyworkers who will benefit from these bags are day service staff, mobile response teams and social care workers who work in learning disability accommodation, with older people and with those who have mental health needs, as well as district nurses.

11-year-old Macey has been busy sewing over 200 scrub bags and is hoping her efforts to help her community will earn her a gold Blue Peter badge that she’s always dreamed about.

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