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Don’t delay - apply now for EU Settlement Scheme

Time is running out for EU citizens living in Bridgend county borough to apply for the EU Settlement Scheme to continue living and working in the UK.

The scheme, which is part of the UK’s new post-Brexit immigration system, offers citizens of the 27 EU member states as well as Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, the right to keep living and working in the UK as they did when the country was part of the EU.

It is free to apply for all but applications must be submitted by the deadline of 30 June, 2021.

So far, almost 2,000 EU Settlement Scheme applications have been concluded in Bridgend county borough. Of those, 1,370 have been granted settled status and 570 pre-settled status, depending on how long they have lived here.

If you are an EU citizen who has made your home here in Bridgend and are contributing to the life of the county borough, we want you and your family to be able to continue to live, work and access services here. In order to do this, you have to make sure that you apply to the EU Settlement Scheme before the deadline of 30 June 2021.

Nearly 2,000 application have now been concluded, enabling residents who are originally from countries including Lithuania, Germany, Portugal and Poland to remain here as part of our communities.

Council Leader Huw David

If you need to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme, you won’t be notified by the Home Office, UK or Welsh Government, or the council. You can check for yourself on the UK Government’s EU Settlement Scheme webpage.

If you need to apply, each family member must complete an application. This includes children and anyone under the age of 21.

For more information about how to apply, visit Bridgend County Borough Council’s Preparing for Brexit webpage.

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