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Food parcels delivery to start next week

Food parcels for pupils eligible for free school meals will be delivered to each household from next week.

The food parcel which will arrive weekly will contain sufficient food items to provide both breakfast and lunch for a child for five days. For pupils with special dietary requirements a five-day frozen meal option will be delivered.

The food parcels will replace the current packed lunch provision.

This project demonstrates the local authority’s commitment to continue to support pupils eligible for free school meals at this difficult time. Some parcels will be delivered on Tuesday next week, while others will arrive on Wednesday and Thursday. We will be delivering 5,000 food parcels each week.

We hope that these food parcels go some way in helping to support families whose children would otherwise be benefiting from a free school meal in their local schools.

We ask that parents are available to answer the door to collect the delivery as no deliveries will be left unattended. Delivery staff will, however, maintain social distancing procedures.

Bridgend County Borough Council’s cabinet member for education Charles Smith

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