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Funding available to help heat your home this winter

Residents of Bridgend County Borough are being urged not to miss out on funding from Welsh Government that is helping to keep people warm this winter.

Designed to support eligible households with the cost of heating their homes throughout the winter months, the scheme provides applicants with a one-off £100 payment and forms part of a £38m initiative which is being rolled out across Wales.

The scheme is open to households where someone is claiming universal benefit, income support, working tax credits, means-tested welfare benefits, income-related jobseeker’s allowance or employment and support allowance.

Thousands of eligible local residents have already taken advantage of this funding offer and are receiving support to help keep their homes warm.

The one-off payment is provided irrespective of whether fuel is paid for on a pre-payment meter, by direct debit or via a quarterly bill, and just over four weeks remain before the deadline for applications expires on 18 February, so don’t miss out – find out if you are eligible today.

Applications can be made online through the council’s ‘My Account’ facility which is free and easy to sign up to – you simply complete the online form, provide a valid email address.

Deputy Leader, Hwyel Williams

You can find out more and make an application by visiting the winter fuel support page

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