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How the Active Travel toolkit will encourage healthier, greener ways of getting to and from school

A new toolkit has been launched to support efforts to encourage parents, carers and guardians to find alternative ways of getting children to and from school.

The Cross-Party Group on the Active Travel Act at the Senedd has published the toolkit to encourage more walking and cycling as an alternative to using cars for short journeys.

Huw Irranca Davies, MS for Ogmore and chair of the Cross-Party Group, said: “I am delighted to be launching this toolkit. It is the culmination of a long process of discussion and engagement involving over 100 organisations and individuals – adults and children – from across Wales. It sets out all the reasons why we need to change and suggests ways of making walking and cycling to school easier and more attractive.

“The solutions range from ambitious new paths to something as simple as making sure children have somewhere to store wet weather gear. The toolkit points to lots of good practice that is already happening in schools across Wales, but we need to do much more.

“The school run as we do it now causes immense problems; our guide for increasing walking, cycling or scooting to school is packed with solutions. We are not saying it is always easy. Not all schools will be able to do everything, but we hope most will be able to do something.”

Wales already has the lowest levels of physical activity in the UK, and this increases the likelihood of developing health issues such as obesity and long-term illnesses.

Bridgend County Borough Council has already invested £3m into active travel routes this year alone, and we actively encourage alternative ways of travelling such as walking, cycling or scooting.

As well as supporting healthier, active lifestyles, cutting down on car usage has benefits for the environment, and helps to avoid congestion and parking issues as well.

Councillor Stuart Baldwin, Cabinet Member for Communities

Copies of the toolkit are available online in both English and Welsh.

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