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Indoor and outdoor visits at care homes temporarily restricted

Bridgend County Borough Council has confirmed that it is making temporary changes to visiting arrangements at local care homes.

Following advice from the Public Health Director of Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board and an increase in the number of positive Covid-19 cases across South Wales, the changes are being introduced at all local authority and privately-run care homes as a precautionary measure to protect the health and wellbeing of vulnerable residents and staff.

In line with similar arrangements that have already been established in several Welsh local authority areas, the changes will mean that until further notice, friends and family members will no longer be able to see their loved ones in either outdoor visits or indoor visits.

Virtual and online visits will be encouraged, and allowances will be made in circumstances where residents are nearing the end of their lives and with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements in place.

The changes, which will be regularly reviewed, have been shared with all local independent care homes to ensure a consistent approach can be maintained.

With cases increasing throughout the region, we feel we have no choice but to take this further precautionary measure in line with the latest advice relating to the increase in the rate of community transmission locally.

We understand the concern this will cause to families and friends, and their loved ones, with visits having only recently resumed. Please rest assured, staff in care homes will ensure residents are able to maintain contact with their loved ones in a variety of ways via telephone calls, video calls, cards, photos and emails.

The council and its partners which involve Public Health Wales and Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board will be closely monitoring the situation, and will look to restart visiting arrangements as soon as it is deemed safe to do so.

Council leader Huw David

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